The procedure authoring feature on the mobile app allows you to create procedures in the field, with the ability to take and annotate pictures there and then, ensuring the instructions are clear, accurate and easy to follow.

Step by Step Instructions

From the main menu, take the Procedures option, and then select Create Procedure.

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 Image Placeholder

Basic Procedure Information

Select the Category for this procedure, give the procedure a unique Name and enter a Description.

Tap on the Images option to add overview images for this procedure.

Tap on the Procedure option to add the steps to lock / unlock the equipment.


The images option is used to add equipment overview images. These images will appear at the top of the procedure for a printed procedure, or if you are using the app to execute or view the proecedure, then these images will appear before the see the indiviudal steps.

When adding images, you can either take a picture there and then, or select from the Device Library if the necessary pictures are already on the device.

Tap on the image to annotate, and add Energy Source tags. View Annotating Images for more information.

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The procedure should provide simple to follow and clear instructions on how to lock or unlock a piece of equipment. There should be one step on the procedure for each isolation point. When building the procedure, you enter both the lock and unlock instructions, and the verifications for both. You can also capture one image for each isolation point.

Tap on Image Placeholder to add a new step.

Energy Source
Pick the Energy Source from the available list. Methods and Verifications will be set automatically based on the selected energy source.

Enter the magnitude if applicable, for example, 480 V.

Enter a description for the isolation point, for example,Electrical 1 or E1.

Specfiy the location of the isolation point on the equipment.

Select what devices are required to lockout the isolation point.
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Methods and Verifications
You enter both the lock and unlock instructions when building the procedure. When executing the procedure on the mobile app you specify if you are locking or unlocking the equipment, and the app will give you the appropriate instructions. These methods and verifications will automatically populate with the default verbiage for the selected energy source.

Enter notes specific to the isolation point. This notes will be displayed to the operator when completing the procedure on the mobile app.

Require Photo and / or Comment
You can force the operator to take a picture, and / or enter a comment for this step when completing the procedure on the mobile app.

Isolation Point Image
Attach an image specific to the isolation point. This image will be displayed both on the printed procedure, and on the mobile app.
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Saving the Procedure

Tap on Done on the top right of the screen when you are ready to save the procedure.

The procedure must be linked to at least one facility at this point, but you can specify the associated equipment later.

If the procedure is complete and you want it to be available to the operators then select Approve Procedure Now, otherwise Keep Procedure in Draft

If approving the procedure, then you will need to enter the date it will be due for audit / periodic inspection.

You can optionally enter a comment for this revision.

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